If you aren"t happy with your full-time job,but the fear of losing a steady income is holding you back from trying something new,read on.We"ve asked personal finance and employment experts for tips on thriving in the"gig economy."41.Instead of paying a pricey tuition at a local college to pick up a new skill,sign up for massive open online courses(MOOCs),which are often free or low-cost."Available to anyone with an Intemet connection,MOOCs offer high-quality virtual courses from some of the world"s best universities,"reports Forbes."You"ll find courses in computer programming,engineering,graphic design,leadership,and many other subjects.They even have integrated programs that build to certificates or degrees which can help you demonstrate your knowledge to others."42.Don"t be put off by job listings for full-time positions;you should still apply."Companies create job listings with intentions of hiring in-house people,but will ofien hire contractors because there is less paperwork and regulation or because a contractor can provide more specialized work:"Shudam says.Or they may hire you on a short-term position while they"re looking for the right person to fill the full-time job.43.Going above and beyond for a client will be your new standard,says Shudam.That may mean answering emails at all hours of the day and accepting that at times you may lose money,if a client needs a revise you hadn"t budgeted for."It"s part of the risk/reward with working on your own:"Shudam says.44.It goes without saying that you need to build a stellar reputation."Make sure you are building quality and meaningful relationships with your employers,"shares EnLrepreneur."By becoming a hiring manager"s favorite,you might even get access to unadvertised opportunities that you never knew were a possibility.And having great relationships not only increases the chances you will be hired again,it also increases the likelihood that managers will refer you to others."45.The hard truth is that you"re not going to get every job you apply for,and that"s part of the gig culture."Gettlng passed over on one job doesn"t prevent you from consideration for the next,"explains Entrepreneur Magazine."Keep an open mind,be persistent,and always maintain a positive outlook with your respective employers.You never know when the right opportunity will come along,and you want to make sure you are the one on their speed dial."45选?
AKnow where to look forjobs
BBe prepared to work hard
CLet your name be your best advertisement
DBuild your skill set for less
ERealize there"s lots ofcompetition
FBe creative when responding to job postings
GCombine forces
answering emails at all hours of the day and accepting that at times you may lose money,if a client
answering emails at all hours of the day and accepting that at times you may lose money,if a client
answering emails at all hours of the day and accepting that at times you may lose money,if a client
answering emails at all hours of the day and accepting that at times you may lose money,if a client
ble. The best way to do this is to create a targeted list of employers you want to work for and then