ARun the Streamed VM Setup Wizard on the Citrix Provisioning servers
BInstall Citrix Cloud Connectors on the Citrix Provisioning servers.
CUpdate the Citrix Provisioning servers to the latest version.
DDeploy Citrix Cloud Remote SDK on the Citrix Provisioning servers
Provisioning environment to Citrix Cloud? {场景:Citrix管理员需要将Citrix配置环境迁移到Citrix云中。管理层更希望创建新的虚拟机,而不是使用
in Citrix Cloud? (.场景:一名Citrix管理员正在将本地使用的现有7.15 LTSR虚拟交付代理(VDA)机器迁移到Citrix云。管理员已经在Citrix云中创建了一个新的手
working? (场景:Citrix管理员正在将Citrix虚拟应用程序和桌面部署在本地部署中迁移到具有本地资源位置的Citrix云。店面和思杰的ADC机器都位于办公场所。管理员注意到应用程序枚举正
the Citrix License Server does a Citrix Administrator need in order to allocate the Citrix Virtual
of the data in order to isolate the issue further. Which Citrix tool can the administrator use to