The aim of our website is to control or reduce noise at work without stopping people from enjoying music.(2.0)
A 本网站的方针是不断阻止或减少噪音,同时又能够使人们欣赏音乐。
B 本网站的目的是控制或减少工作中的噪音,却不妨碍人们欣常音乐。
C 本网站的优势是用播放人们喜爱的音乐的方式,来缓解和抵消压力。
The aim of our website is to control or reduce noise at work without stopping people from enjoying m
ity to concentrate is a change in the level of noise. It goes on to say that a background noise, wh
ity to concentrate is a change in the level of noise. It goes on to say that a background noise, wh
.The least companies can do is to keep a careful watch on the IT department.The second is that the
.The least companies can do is to keep a careful watch on the IT department.The second is that the