Wuhan Control,CCA101,we intend to ( ) to land but have to dump fuel first . 航空器驾驶员申请返航,但需要放油
Wuhan Control,CCA101,we have mechanical problem,request return to land,and request radar vectors to
s having a heart ( ),request return to Changsha and fuel jettison. 航空器上有乘客心脏病发作,航空器驾驶员向管制员申请返航和放油
CCA101,Wuhan Control,fuel dumping on route not ( ),expect radar vector to the fuel dumping area,st
ngine failure after ingesting some birds,request ( ) instructions. 航空器2号发动机吸鸟失效而返航,航空器驾驶员向管制员申请放油