P: Wuhan Control,CCA981,we re having difficulties in maintaining ( ) course,plane tend to drift to the right. 航空器驾驶员向管制员报告飞行能力受损情况,保持航迹有困难,飞机又右偏的趋势
n maintaining ( ) course,plane tend to drift to the right. 航空器驾驶员向管制员报告飞行能力受损情况,保持航迹有困难,飞机又右偏的趋势
Wuhan Control,CCA981,we have lost control of the ( ) trim. 航空器驾驶员向管制员报告飞行能力受损情况,俯仰配平失效
ck by lightning,the rear fuselage damaged,right ( ) lost. 航空器驾驶员向管制员报告飞行能力受损情况,造到雷击,后机身被打坏,失去右升降舵
Wuhan Control,CCA981,we have got control problem, ( ) damper inoperative. 航空器驾驶员向管制员报告飞行能力受损情况,操作系
Wuhan Control,CCA981, ( )to comply,TCAS RA. 航空器驾驶员报告由于RA不能遵守管制指令