AIt is quite easy to understand long noun clusters because the words in the noun cluster have close relationship between each other.
BIt is difficult to understand long noun clusters because the words in the noun clusters can be connected to each other in different ways.
CIt is quite sure that long noun clusters are fairly hard to understand because the words in the noun cluster are related to each other in the same way.
Long noun clusters are not easy to understand because the words in the noun cluster can connect to e
phenate long technical names to make them clearer to the reader, a hyphenated group of words also co
oved words You can frequently use different constructions with other approved words to say the same
。)A. Try to get the main idea of the tape and do not stop to think. When you hear the words you don‘
ks to show the audience whether they played the villain’s or the hero’s role. In fact, the words pe