A It is stated int the document that you should inform the FAA about the alterations you‘ll perform on the airplane to insure the airworthiness of the airplane.
B The document says that the FAA should be involved in any alterations on airplane so to insure that the airplane will not violate any airworthiness regulations.
C The document sets forth that you should contact the FAA before any alterations on airplane to make sure that the airp1anel is airworthy continuously.
The document points out that the FAA should be contacted prior to any alterations on airplane to ins
e points out that the FAA should be contacted prior to any alterations on airplane to ensure that a
It is the responsibility of the airplane owner and the pilot to insure that the airplane is loaded p
is the primary document containing the procedures for the continuing airworthiness of the airplane.
and extent of the inspections necessary to provide for the continued airworthiness of the airplane.