The localizer course is aligned with the centerline of the runway, and the glideslope path is at a constant angle to the threshold of the runway.
AA. 定位器与跑道中心线对齐,下滑道与跑道出口成一定角度。
BB. 航道与跑道中心线对齐,下滑道与跑道入口成恒定角度。
CC. 航道与跑道中心线平行,下滑道与跑道出口成恒定角度。
The localizer course is aligned with the centerline of the runway, and the glideslope path is at a c
The localizer course is aligned with the centerline of the runway. And the glideslope path is at a c
The runway number of a runway with a magnetic heading of 083° is _______ .
The concept of power is at the core of the Path-Goal Theory.
If the airplane is slightly below the glide slope of a runway with four-light PAPI, the pilot will s