Schematic diagrams shall be used when necessary to indicate flow and to illustrate the operation of air control, electrical, fluid-power, fuel and turbo systems in as straightforward as possible.
AA. 需要时使用示意图来表明流程,以尽可能简短的方式说明空气控制
BB. 必须使用示意图来表明流程,以尽可能简洁的方式说明空气控制
CC. 必要时使用示意图来表明流程,以尽可能直接的方式说明空气控制
Schematic diagrams shall be used when necessary to indicate flow and to illustrate the operation of
Schematic diagrams may be used to indicate flow and to illustrate the operation of systems such as a
Arrows shall be used to indicate flow direction when needed to understand the schematic diagram.
In designing schematic diagrams, it may be necessary to compromise between detail necessary to make
the control room of an electrical plant. Then he rushed to the window and scanned the sky, to chec