If the manual is loose-leaf, each page should contain the date and effective revision date when revised, or otherwise be identified as to revision status.
AA. 若为松散页,则每一页应注明修改日期和生效日期,或以其他方式标识修订状态。
BB. 若为固定页,则每一页应注明修该日期和生效日期,或以其他方式标识修订状态。
CC. 若为活页,则每一页应注明修订日期和生效日期,或以其他方式标识修订状态。
If the manual is loose-leaf, each page should contain the date and effective revision date when rev
If the manual is loose-leaf, each page should contain the data and effective revision data when rev
Each page must bear the date of the original issue until revised and , when revised, that of the lat
Show the date of the revision on each revised page.
Each page shall bear a page number and date of issue or revision at the bottom.The page number shal