Not all of the material in the Specification is applicable to any one model and provision is made for manufacturers to omit material inappropriate to specific aircraft type or model.
AA. 本规范中所有的材料都不适用于任何一种型号,并且制造商规定应省略不适用于特定飞机类型或型号的材料。
BB. 本规范中所有的材料都不适用于任何一种型号,并且制造商应提供省略不适用于特定飞机类型或型号的材料条款。
CC. 本规范中并非所有材料都适用于任何一种型号,并规定制造商应省略不适用于特定飞机类型或型号的材料。
Not all of the material in the Specification is applicable to any one model and provision is made f
hs of this Section of the Specification or may be arranged to suit a particular type or model of ai
speaker does not work at all and the sound coming out of the right one is unclear” is better than “
so as to avoid gaps resulting from Specification material not appropriate to the type of airplane.
speaker does not work at all and the sound coming out of the right one is unclear” is better than “