The check list may be followed by additional procedures to provide pilots with a better understanding of the reasons for actions in the short form check list.
AA. 在检查单之后可以增加程序,以便飞行员更好地理解简易检查单中釆取措施的原因。
BB. 检查单可能需要增加额外信息,以便飞行员更好的理解检查单中的措施。
CC. 检查单后面可能还有附加信息,以便飞行员更好的理解怎样实施检查单。
The check list may be followed by additional procedures to provide pilots with a better understandi
The check list may be followed by amplified procedures to provide pilots with a better understanding
The check list may be followed by additional information to provide pilots with a better understandi
The check list may be followed by additional information to provide pilot with a better understandi
The emergency procedures check list should be in concise, abbreviated form designed to remind pilots