The CAP is not intended to change or replace any portion of the applicable airplane Maintenance Manual or Service Letters.
A CAP不能修订或替换现行飞机维修手册或服务信函的任何部分;
B CAP并不改变或替换可用飞机维修手册或服务信函的任何部分;
C CAP不改变和替换可用飞机维修手册或勤务文件的任何部分;
The CAP is not intended to change or replace any portion of the applicable airplane Maintenance Man
The CAP is not intended to change or replace any portion of the applicable airplane maintenance man
The Continuing Ainworthiness Program is not intended to change or replace any portion of the applica
is the primary document containing the procedures for the continuing airworthiness of the airplane.
is the primary document containing the procedures for the continuing airworthiness of the airplane.