Wuhan Control,CCA981,we‘ d like to hold to make ( ) checks. 航空器驾驶员报告意图和处置情况,申请盘旋等待进行进一步检查
y threatened to blow up the aircraft,if we don‘t comply with their demands. 航空器驾驶员报告意图和处置情况,劫机者试图劫机
DAY MAYDAY MAYDAY,Wuhan Control,CCA981,request emergency descent due to ( ). 航空器驾驶员报告座舱失压,申请紧急下降
Wuhan Control,CCA981, ( )to comply,TCAS RA. 航空器驾驶员报告由于RA不能遵守管制指令
Wuhan Control,CCA981,we re having difficulties in maintaining ( ) course,plane tend to drift to